To be honest, for a girl, especially a girl who is scared by ghosts, I really can’t find anything to comfort her.

I slapped Joanna on the shoulder and still said that sentence, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid! It’s over. It’s over …
When Jonah’s arms quieted down, we let her go, but Jonah still hugged me very tightly.
I gave a gentle push and said, "It’s over. It’s over. Remember the medical number."
At this point, Joanna nodded at me and said, yeah, yeah, I know, I know … but I’m still afraid of those things.
I sighed in my heart, who is not afraid of those things?
After about ten minutes, Joanna relaxed my girl, adjusted her mood and said, thank you, Brother Bing.
I don’t know what to answer, either. It’s all small things. Don’t worry.
At this time, Joanna ordered one at me, and then, um, one
The last two men walked towards this strange shop.
When I walked to the door of the store, my spine froze inexplicably when I saw dozens of flash bulbs spelling the words’ in business’.
Maybe it’s because these three words are red, which makes people feel chilling.
I went to the door, took a look at Jonah Ran and said, Are you sure this is it?
Joanna ordered one, and then yes, I also heard from Tang Xiaoyu.
Tang Xiaoyu?
Why is it so Tang Xiaoyu again?
I took a sip, and then I nodded at Joanna.
The last two men walked towards the shop.
Here I will simply say what I see!
This is a sweater shop. The decoration is quite general, but it is quite classical. Especially, there are two red lanterns hanging at the door, which makes people look a little creepy.
Pushing the door and entering the store, I felt an inexplicable memory. This aroma seemed to be a kind of fragrant wood, but I didn’t guess what wood it was at the moment.
After entering the store, a glowing woman came up to us.
Wearing professional clothes is very formal, and she is slim and punctual.
The clerk greeted me and Joanna and said welcome.
I nodded at the clerk and said, thank you, thank you.
After the clerk smiled at me, she said to us, let’s take a look at it first, but please call her at any time.
I ordered one and said, ok …
The clerk nodded at Joanna and me and left.
Although the decoration of this store is not very elegant, the storefront is still quite large! And he is also very particular about it. He can say that it is nothing like his shop.
Joanna and I were chatting and looking at all kinds of sweaters.
However, both of us almost wandered around the men’s counter and didn’t go to the women’s counter at all, which made me very understand
I said to Joanna, what’s with the men? I’m not buying it?
Joanna said that my boyfriend’s birthday is coming soon, and I’m helping him choose a gift today. I heard that sweaters in this sweater shop are all hand-knitted by a strange mother-in-law, which is very spiritual and safe to wear.
After hearing this, I was dazed. What kind of international joke would keep me safe? Just a sweater?
In this way, Joanna and I talked about the miracle of sweaters while chatting.
Just then, wow, Joanna saw a model dress and said to the clerk, come here.
Joanna waved her hand at the shop assistant.
The clerk came over and said very politely, I want this sweater …
The shop assistant glanced at a model sweater and said, OK, I’ll go to the back and find one exactly the same for you.
But Joanna followed the demon and said, I want a model, but he doesn’t want it.
When I heard this, I was stunned. Is it so serious?
Of course, I forgot to mention that the models here are not plastic models but wax figures …
Chapter 12 Nail marks on Wang Run’s back
When Joanna finished this sentence, I froze.
Who is this serious with?
I turned to look at Joanna, and then said to Joanna, just take one that is exactly the same.
As soon as I finished speaking, Joanna gave me a sideways look and said to me, how could there be the same thing in heaven?
I froze when I heard this. If I were serious with her, I really couldn’t beat her.
That’s right, even the company commander in this world has different leaves from the same tree, let alone a coat.
I nodded at Joanna to show my agreement with her. Of course, a dress was ruined by the clerk. It was a little …
The clerk squinted at Joanna and then turned to me and said, is it for you?
I quickly shook my hand and said, no, no, no,no. I shook my head as I said.
The shop assistant smiled with a trademark smile on his face.
Of course, this kind of smile is very commercial. A trained shop assistant will wear this kind of smile unless you irritate her.
To be honest, Joanna really doesn’t like that sweater!
Of course, this is what others think in my eyes, so I don’t know.
Maybe the clerk needs performance, too. She called two more people and took the sweater off the wax model together.
Joanna laughed when she saw that the sweater was taken off from the wax model.
I moved my lips when I saw Joanna laughing.
The last two people walked out of the shop.
When we left, the clerk sent us to the door. After the clerk sent us to the door, he said to us, "Welcome!"
I ordered one and said thank you.
Joanna didn’t pay any attention to the clerk at all.

Moreover, what Chen Kangbo must have is that there will be no ass sitting on this side of the Southern Song Dynasty court.

Then what is there to say?
Lu you neng nai agrees
So early the next morning, the main envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty Ambassadors came to arrange for them to meet Chen Guangyuan and go to the palace to be summoned by Su Yonglin.
According to the traditional rules, the Southern Song Dynasty is a big subordinate country with a lower status. When the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty meet the great emperor, they need a big gift to visit the place, and the etiquette level is even higher than that of facing the monarch.
Chen Kangbo is quite critical of this article, and he feels that it should not be so.
However, when he really saw Su Yonglin sitting in the Hall of the People, he still hid some thoughts in his heart without showing any signs.
The reason is that Su Yonglin, the founder of the country, was silenced by the prestige of the Hall of the People and the princes, and Chen Kangbo once dared not raise his head. He felt that he was mentally suppressed.
How dare you show your dissatisfaction with this set of rules?
With such instructions, Chen Kangbo and Chen Guangyuan stepped forward step by step, and together with Yu Yunwen and Lu You, they visited Su Yonglin at the highest level and reported their names.
After the ceremony, they presented a gift list to Su Yonglin, saying that this was a gift from Zhao Shen, the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, to Su Yonglin, the emperor of the National Assembly. Please accept it.
Chen Guangyuan, who presided over the ceremony, took the gift list and read it in public, then dedicated it to Su Yonglin.
There is nothing unexpected about the ceremony. Gold, silver, pearls, jade paintings and antiques are numerous.
After a series of procedures, formal public inquiries were also followed by Su Yonglin’s symbolic inquiries about Zhao Shen’s physical health, Zhao Gou’s physical health and their family’s physical health
Then Chen Kangbo sent greetings to Su Yonglin on behalf of Zhao Shen. Huai Yi Su Yonglin was in good health.
After these painful topics were skipped, Chen Kangbo "tried to solve the problem" and said the "real reason" for his trip.
"Our country has been hit by natural and man-made disasters such as droughts, floods, thieves’ chaos, etc. It is not uncommon for the country to be exhausted and the people to be poor and eat food. In view of this, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty sent foreign ministers to the country to ask the country to reduce the required annual currency or delay the delivery of it to our country for a while."
Chen Kangbo looked sincere and sounded sincere as if this was the main reason for his mission.
Su Yonglin has no psychological fluctuations about the reasons why they went to a big country.
So he didn’t give his reply immediately, and naturally someone would come out to help him refute it.
Bear right empire Kong Maojie out.
"Chen Xianggong said not strange drought, flood and thief disorderly which year did these disasters in the southern dynasties? Why not this year?
Besides, in which year did the Southern Dynasties not give Jin Guo old coins before the death of Jin Guo? In which year was the year lost due to the disaster? I’m afraid such a statement can’t be believed. "
Chen Kangbo Farewell
"In the past, the disaster was not as severe as this year. From last year this year, our country’s state-owned thieves started from the repeated encirclement and suppression of Jiangnan West Road court, and they couldn’t win and lose a lot of state money, so it was necessary to move the old money to the army …"
Before Chen Kangbo finished speaking, Kong Maojie was "dissatisfied"
Chapter 993 The banner of filial piety is held high and I will ask you how to lose!
The new year’s coin came from the signing of the Lin’ an Peace Treaty in black and white. Isn’t Chen Kangbo saying this with a plan to default?
Is it really bad to be a big soldier?
Kong Maojie is very upset.
So Kong Maojie said, "That’s the principle that the Southern Dynasties should solve their own problems without knowing the process and getting the result, no matter what you do."
Chen Kangbo looks hard to "fight for" again.
"My country, my emperor, has done his best to quell the rebellion and help the victims. The limited financial resources have forced the old coins to be used as military funds to wipe out the thieves, otherwise the thieves will mess up our country. Can countries in crisis get more old coins?
Moreover, there are too many victims in the imperial court for relief, but every day, the imperial court feels very sad because of the news that the victims are starving to death. Only in this way can the imperial court invite the country to have mercy on the creatures of the Song Dynasty! Give DaSong creatures a way out! "
Chen Kangbo looked sad with a deep ceremony as if he really came to plead with the people of DaSong.
Kong Maojie heard that his face was slightly moved, but he finally shook his head.
"In the final analysis, it’s the Southern Dynasties’ own problem, but it’s unreasonable that the Southern Dynasties have to bear the losses without solving the problems properly. Moreover, the peace treaty concluded between the two countries does stipulate that the Southern Dynasties need to pay the annual coins in black and white. Can it be changed?"
Chen Kangbo sighed.
"It is precisely because of this consideration that my emperor sent foreign ministers to the country to ask the country to forgive us for breathing space, otherwise the people will die. I heard that the great emperor is benevolent and loves the people. Is this what the country wants to see?"
Chen Kangbo directly put himself at a commanding height of benevolence, righteousness and morality and tried to refute Kong Maojie from a commanding height.
At this moment, Kong Maojie will certainly win if he continues to cling to the word treaty, but his morality will fall into the wind.
Although Kong Maojie has a profound theoretical foundation and firm revolutionary will, his sophistry is still slightly inadequate. In the face of Chen Kangbo, an old politician of the Southern Song Dynasty who is good at reversing black and white and attacking his political enemies, he is still a little immature and difficult to refute him.
Su Yonglin, a big win-win player, has always adhered to the principle of winning twice and never let his opponent take the lead, even verbally.
He saw through the situation on both sides at this moment, Chen Kangbo’s tactics and Kong Maojie’s response to the problem.
So he decided to attend in person.
Seeing that Kong Maojie will continue to refute Su Yonglin’s light cough, Kong Maojie retired and did not continue to say.
Su Yonglin personally took over this topic.
He didn’t say don’t ask a question lightly.
"I heard that the Southern Emperor Tai Huang was building a palace in Lin ‘an City?"
Chen Kangbo one leng Yu Yunwen and Lu You temple envoys have also been stuck for Su Yonglin this have no martial ethics raid was very surprised.
This …
Of course it’s true. That’s right
However, in such a situation, Su Yonglin’s telling such a fact can be regarded as a winner for Chen Kangbo.
Chen Kangbo’s moral high ground was violently hit by Su Yonglin and crumbled, and he was about to fall to the ground and become a laughing stock of everyone.
However, Su Yonglin’s evil spirit, Wang Gongli, has just shown up.
"The Southern Dynasties’ national fortunes are difficult, natural disasters and man-made disasters continue to dry up, and even the old coins can’t be made up. Even in this predicament, it will take the Emperor to build a palace, even if it takes several years and billions of dollars. This shows that the Southern Dynasties’ emperors must be very filial, right?"
After a burst of output, Chen Kangbo suddenly found himself unstable in the moral high ground.
Just now, there was some whispering among the officials and military commanders in the temple, but now they are all cynical and angry, and they are not looking at the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty in the temple.
Chen Kangbo and others felt very embarrassed when their faces turned red and white.
But this thing is really true and there is really no way to keep Su Yonglin from knowing it.
It’s hard to say that there is no business travel in Lin ‘an, and it’s impossible not to let them know that there is no business travel in China
Once they know the news, it won’t be long before they go all the way back to Zhongdu, and it finally falls into Su Yonglin’s ear and becomes a palace lore.

"2 even white!" Through the hissing sound of headphones, there came two long tones, and soon there were four armored mine-clearing rocket launchers, and the engineers moved slowly forward. The German leopard tanks on their flanks followed and the slender barrels pointed majestically in the direction of the Japanese positions.

"Direct armored vehicles? Where are the engineers? Where is the infantry? " I saw a small number of German tanks through the telescope. The day before yesterday, the commander of the armored forces, Gong, asked him in doubt. He didn’t know who to ask, but when he asked these questions, he found that he didn’t seem to be able to answer them.
A Japanese commander beside him casually said, "Gong Jun, maybe they are all fighting for losses in Europe to break through the position and then play mobile warfare?" I heard that they are good at fighting a wide range of circuitous skirmishes and not good at fighting positional warfare … "
"Whoosh … I hope so, but I always feel that the other side has something we don’t know, which makes me have a bad feeling." The palace is still a little uneasy about its defense line. He tilted his head and said to the officer behind him, "Let Kawasaki United Captain Infantry try to test it and try not to let those weird German tanks and vehicles near our minefield."
"hey!" The Japanese officer nodded at attention and answered his commander’s order, but before he straightened up to prevent the alarm, the sharp sound echoed and tore at the heart of every Japanese soldier in the position
"honk! I don’t think the Germans will be so simple … Army? I really don’t know the convergence character when I take advantage of it … "Looking at one German Stuka 2 attack plane after another, I seem to be slightly relieved when I dive into the sky with that unique howl and drop bombs at very close range.
The German killer weapon seems to be this kind of nearly perfect integrated warfare. He heard that the Germans had this kind of fighting method during the first Nomenkan War-but until now, the Japanese army has not been able to do it. The Germans said at that time that they didn’t even have the courage to try.
The Japanese army lacked tanks that could crush their opponents, and there was no need for large-scale training and Chinese pilots. However, in the Nomenkan War, the Germans developed that kind of fighting style that seemed to be very powerful. A few white people in the Japanese army still remembered that the Germans had realized their ideas in those years and could skillfully transport this method, which brought terrible pressure to their opponents.
Mayer saw him through the telescope, and the Stuka-2 attack plane saw those planes almost hit the ground at the angle and height, and easily dropped the hanging bomb on the Japanese defensive position. The explosion seemed so devastating that even Mayer couldn’t help worrying about the enemy in the opposite position-what can I do if you all die?
With the German army’s skillful integrated attack and the army’s indiscriminate bombing, it is certainly impossible for the ground troops to just watch them finish those complicated preparations before the fire when the enemy is exhausted. The engineers skillfully took the bomb with the fixed rocket and put the detonating device in place, and finally finished their work after checking the safety and fixed plugs.
Several people nodded to each other and confirmed that all the preparations were ready. After that, the engineer commander in charge of demining pressed the fire button and fired rockets one after another at once. The bomb belt was dragged over the minefield and extended to the Japanese trenches by powerful forces.
"Blast!" With a heart-rending roar, the engineer twisted the detonator in his arms, and then the Japanese trench infantry was horrified to find themselves flying across the street. Those unexploded rockets dragged over and those thick "ropes" suddenly exploded
With the shaking of the earth and sand flying everywhere, many Japanese troops immediately lost sight of everything, and the huge vibration and explosion roar directly caused the Japanese army to stagger in the nearby trenches, and a few unlucky guys were even directly killed in their trenches.
The Soviets in the Soviet-German battlefield have experienced this huge demining industry many times, and its deterrent power is even higher than that covered by artillery fire. Most of the Soviets have experienced it once, and they have no courage to challenge it again. Now the Japanese army has also seen this terrible engineering vehicle-an "engineering vehicle" with much greater power than most of their weapons.
"hey! It’s been almost a year, and I still like the engineer mine-clearing car best! Every time I clear the mine, my pores are really comfortable! " Meyer put the telescope far behind, and he could feel the overwhelming momentum and shock. He smiled and shouted to the people around him that everyone around him also responded to his battalion commander and laughed.
"If you’re Japanese, you won’t have this wonderful experience." The car behind the tank shouted to Mayer with a smile on the back of the German officer’s hand. It was also the first time that he had seen the demining method of engineers on the front line, which really shocked his mind. In just a few years, his motherland had become so powerful, which was really a pleasant thing.
Such a wide road appeared so easily in front of the German armored forces, and the German Stuka-2 attack aircraft also threw their bombs at the Japanese soldiers. On this side of the road, the smoke-filled road has been opened by the Germans, and the German engineers waved to the rushing tanks, while the second tank has accelerated towards the Japanese defense line.
"Even with 1 and 3! Let’s go! " Mayer burst out laughing, then he reached out his hand and put on a neck-hanging earphone, and then the engine roared to command the tank turret. The commander retracted his half and easily buckled the hatch cover.
"attack! Attack! Follow the passage to the Japanese defensive position and then expand the breakthrough to the two wings! Try to cover our grenadiers and reduce their casualties! Battalion 2, there are more than two Soviet reserve teams behind us, and the Japanese will lose! " All kinds of orders in the earphone have been attacked one by one by the Germans, and it seems that a nightmare for the Japanese opposite them today has just begun.
"Emperors ….. how can human beings be brave enough to defeat such a terrible weapon?" Gong watched the vast minefield in front of his position completely destroyed by a terrible German mine-clearing weapon and sighed, "Then we can meet the Germans hand to hand … Now let me see if their tanks are as powerful as they say!"
It’s so nice to recommend my friend "The Strongest Special Forces Dragon King" to be chased around by the stunning school beauty Tang Feng!
Chapter 1173 1174 outrageous attack
Who would have thought that the German demining method was barbaric and powerful to the point of irrationality if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes? Those minefields carefully arranged by Japanese engineers to prevent Soviet tanks from advancing were mixed with anti-tank mines and anti-infantry mines, which caused trouble for the Germans for half an hour and were easily torn apart.
When the German Defence Forces grenadiers rushed into the Japanese trenches with their weapons bent down and quickly cleared the obstacles, the Japanese soldiers had not recovered their lost hearing from the huge explosion and roar.
Staggering these days, soldiers saw German soldiers rushing into their trenches. They were more shocked than watching those who should have been blocked by minefields and then trapped there to die. The enemy appeared a few meters away in front of them.
So these Japanese soldiers grabbed their rifles in a hurry, and I don’t know when they lost them, ready to fire at these enemies who suddenly appeared in front of them, but they lost their weapons again, because they will soon find that they once trusted the three-type rifle, but now they have really become "garbage" enough to kill them.
It’s rubbish! The Japanese army has always stressed that the infantry tactics are accurate shooting and fierce assassination, which has a great deal to do with their physical resources and beliefs. First of all, the Japanese army is short of metal resources, and they all hate the wave steel industry-every little makes a mickle is also a considerable metal resource, so the Japanese army is not willing to wave away.
Because of this, the Japanese emphasize individual soldiers’ accurate shooting and advocate long-range fire hitting the target, and are unwilling to use wave ammunition weapons-while the Germans use semi-powerful ammunition on a large scale and equip assault rifles, the Japanese troops still insist on equipping single-shot bolt rifles and machine guns.
In fact, this is also contrary to the conclusion that the Japanese military’s tactical thinking is due to the Japanese military’s final experiment, the large-scale tank troops’ regimented promotion of flash warfare tactics, and the Japanese high-level officials have been unable to believe that the fighting distance between the two sides will change fundamentally in the future war. This conclusion was made by the Germans and has been tested in actual combat.
The Japanese believe that their battlefields will be about 1,000 meters away from the fighting rifles as they were in World War I, and they should play an accurate shooting at this distance, relying more on soldiers’ courage and bayonet skills-that’s how they train their soldiers.
In fact, this view is very correct to some extent, because the backward tactics and outdated weapons in Southeast Asia and China make the war here exactly the same as the Japanese high-level speculation
This is also the reason why they seldom suffered in the battlefield before they met the United States and Germany, because the Japanese troops were trained to face the enemy, who did not have heavy weapons and firepower to fight trench warfare in World War I.
Therefore, in this situation, the Japanese army’s hard training and accurate shooting can bring great casualties to its opponents, and the fierce charge and fighting will make their opponents tremble. However, when the main enemies of the Japanese army become the United States and Germany, those elite Japanese infantry will find that they are not good at fighting, and there is no room for them to play.
The ideal distance for Japanese infantry fighting is 3 meters to 100 meters. If the distance is deadlocked, then the precise advantage of Japanese shooting will show that the opponent will either continue to support or be defeated because of casualties. However, Americans often call for artillery support and move a lot of firepower to suppress the Japanese army.
At present, the fighting method of Nomenkan, a German, seems to be more brutal and direct than that of the Americans. The distance between the Germans and the Japanese is about three meters. They directly armored heavy tanks and assault guns to cover their infantry and quickly approached to a distance of three to two meters.
Once close to this distance, the Germans equipped with g43 semi-automatic rifles and p44 assault rifles can immediately give full play to the absolute advantage of firepower density, so that the Japanese bolt-type single-shot rifle can shoot at a high distance with high accuracy. When the battle spreads to the trenches, the German submachine guns and semi-automatic assault rifles form a continuous fire root, so it is impossible to give Japanese soldiers a chance to fight bayonets.
Japanese soldiers managed to hold their rifles in the narrow trenches. When they pulled the bolt, they found that German soldiers were aiming at them with weapons. Before they could push their guns into the magazine, the other side had skillfully pulled their fingers and pressed the trigger.
Guns rang in secret, as if the allied forces of aggression against China had killed the spearmen of the Qing Dynasty with muskets. One by one, Japanese soldiers covered their chest with unwilling eyes, and occasionally there was fire. However, the Japanese army could also shoot a gun in a panic and cause oppressive damage to the Germans.
The battle soon turned into a massacre, and it was not clear what the general explosion just now was. The Japanese army found that German soldiers had been carrying a strange weapon and kept hitting deadly bombs at them.
"The enemy has rushed into the trenches! The enemy has rushed into the trench! " A Japanese soldier ran past his companion’s bunker in panic, awake, and his friendly troops had to take it and make corresponding preparations in the battle. After all, it is impossible for tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers in the two wings of friendly troops to defend their positions to be defeated by such a small number of Germans.
When the news of German invasion into trenches and bunkers spread, all Japanese soldiers thought that soldiers were not retreating or fleeing, but fighting back! The arrogance of the Japanese army in China for several years did not depend on luck. Their fighting quality and brave consciousness surpassed those of the German and Soviet troops, and they can definitely be called world-class
Near the trench, the Japanese army immediately launched a counterattack without waiting for their company to reach the counterattack order. After counting the Japanese soldiers and sergeant’s orders, they pulled out their waist bayonets without saying a word, stuck their three-type rifles, and their guns and helmets. A pair of determined eyes looked at the German army with fierce eyes.
"German explosives blew up our mines, and they took advantage of the chaos to break into our positions! Imperial soldiers, now we are going to take back our positions and repel those European barbarians who covet the imperial land! Go! " A command waved his command knife at that ready soldier in the trench.
"Long live the Emperor …!" The Japanese army held their rifles high and shouted, and quickly rushed to the German breakthrough positions along the trenches. These trenches and bunkers were dug up by their own shovels. They know the structure and terrain here better than anyone else. This is their advantage. Now they want their own advantages to save the battlefield.
Unfortunately, in this case, the Kawasaki United captain still found that his defensive position was visible to the naked eye, and the speed was lost. He saw his infantry rushing towards the German breakthrough area along the trench, and then it would make the Japanese soldiers who launched the deadly charge fall in pieces.

Lin momo asked Connor to rent a luxury floating car and set off to the employment hall according to the notes of the old guide.

From a distance, the lights outside the hall are as bright as the popular stars, and the large-scale concerts are crowded with people. This business is also very good.
"Go and get me a report." How can Lin momo be a noble housekeeper himself? Lazily ordered two little bodyguards.
Connor and Cui Hetang were already green and dark when they got into the car. They were crowded and could not help feeling that the human base was huge. You know, most people here are Brother Wu.
Car elf beauty stared at Lin momo with big eyes, and human attitudes towards elves went to extremes. Some people were greedy, some people hated the real elves, and they were a branch of human beings. There was almost no difference in terms of genes and spirit.
"Hey, why do you always look at me? Do I have flowers on my face?" Lin momo smile for the upcoming phantom of the opera, female passengers have a good impression.
"I don’t think you are close enough to make me like it." The elf beauty turned red and didn’t expect to say the word "like" so shamelessly.
Lin momo was stupefied, and the genie seemed to be putting race on the topic and said, "I have a boat that can take you to the border. Do you know what your name is?"
"My name is Dale. I grew up in my hometown in human society. Those humans are not as fierce as the out-of-bounds galaxy. What’s the name of Mr.?" The elf beauty smiled sweetly and blinked a few times as if she could speak.
Lin Sisuo and Dale started talking, and learned through chatting that the Elves are not as isolated as they heard. They advocate the pure natural environment and do not want machinery and human beings to appear in the territory. However, there are still many elves who are willing to go out of the dominion and live together with human beings.
For a long time, Connor and Cui Hetang rushed out of the crowd with mirror shields. When people in the hall heard that the employer came to get the report, they almost buried them. This horrible experience is enough once a generation.
Volume 4 Rise! Break into the Quartet Chapter 23 Club
"Boss, we finally came back to this hellhole, and I will never come again." Connor panted and sent the report, and then the fat body slammed into the car.
"Two hard" Lin momo took the report and quickly retrieved it. The images were not satisfied after switching several times in a row.
The report is similar to a light screen, but the information is not too much. You need the serial number of the berth of the star cruise ship to get one.
"Mr Want to hire what kind of person? Let’s talk about it in detail. "Dale seems to be very dedicated to this temporary job and asked for help."
Lin momo a smile "good! That’s troublesome for Miss Dale. We had a pleasant chat just now. I didn’t expect that the elf royal family ruled the dominion is the pure elf territory and you just came out of bounds to fight for Brother Wu. "
Dale said slowly, "Actually, I have been to the Dominion once. Before I came out, my elders said that there was an elf port on the boundary of the Galaxy public area out of bounds. I was about to take refuge in my big cousin, but I was caught by a star pirate on the way to a star cruise ship, and then I was brought here in a daze. By the way, please tell me the specific requirements. I have seen this report in my hometown."
"well! The requirement is very simple. It’s best to have some special skills with no restrictions on age, but the higher the level, the better. We are asking the master to come back to raise a boat and not really hire a crew … "Lin momo thought of one saying that from this angle, she just saw the elf’s long eyelashes and pure natural beauty as if it were a beautiful landscape.
Dale quickly searched the report and immediately exclaimed, "Oh, my God, there are nine-level Brother Wu, but there are two people waiting for orders in the whole trading hall of this level, and it’s a pity that I don’t think they are superior."
Lin momo took the report. It seems that the two men are the same as Brother Wu of Grade 9. A heavy eye is like a fat chimpanzee. A man with brown curly hair is not male or female.
"Boy, fifty units of crystal refining room and board every month, two months paid vacation a year, if you really have the ability, it’s just a whiteboard in terms of skills, so let’s stop here!" It is normal for Lin momo to give up hope and gain nothing when he is tongue-tied.
Connor and Cui Hetang turned from green to gray, and they worked so hard to dig out the report from the crowd.
"Wait, let me retrieve one more time." After a few minutes of re-retrieval, Dale took a deep breath and said, "I almost ignored the important information in the past. There is a ten-level brother Wu whose information is so cunning."
"Level 10?" The three men in the carriage all gave incredible exclamations. Brother Ten Wu has to accept it no matter how bad it is.
Lin momo attaches great importance to reading the information for three times. This brother Wu is very interesting. It is absolutely impossible to find him if he is simply attracted by gorillas and curly hair.
Connor wanted to see what Brother Ten Wu looked like. He stretched out his neck and asked curiously, "How’s the boss?"
"Matrix division’s 200 units of crystal refining every month is black enough!" Lin momo gritted his teeth and thought, "Harley is only ten units a month to refine crystal. If his crew doesn’t get a bonus at the end of the year, he won’t send it. I really dare to ask for it."
"Grandma, he might as well rob it." Connor spat with indignation and deeply realized that level is money.
"This man didn’t leave his real name and said that he called the prisoner to meet him after he lived in Yunge." Lin momo put away the report and ordered the car to go to Xinghai Fan Trace Hall.
The area of Xinghai Fan Trace Hall is even more exaggerated than that of the employment hall. There are a row of luxury vehicles parked in front of the door, and there are many limited motorcycles.
Connor shook his head and scolded, "Mom, the rich will really enjoy coming out, going in, enjoying cars, beautiful women, and so on. Women who are old and rich can also get a few cars. Just choose Dale."
Lin momo took a cross look and reprimanded him. "Just think about it and don’t say it to relieve your hunger."
"Hey, hey, boss, don’t be angry. I was a little excited just now. I’m sorry." Connor scratched his head and pretended to be shy.
Adele, the elf, is very easy-going and fat, and she wants to try her best to show her "manhood" and attract the attention of beautiful women.
"Sir, this is for members." The light screen in the car suddenly showed that a guard was polite and refused to park.
"Excuse me, hydra sand show miss non-success? I am her friend "Lin momo decided to take a chance, anyway, they are very" deep ".
"oh? You are a friend of Miss Sha, who just left Yunmo Port two days ago. Mr. might as well leave a message and we will tell him. "The guard’s pupil contracted slightly and looked at the person in the car."
Lin momo sneers at someone who makes remote sensing, which is a spiritual force. I don’t know what to pretend. I regret that "Miss Zhan Yun didn’t ask for a message. Just tell her that our young gentleman at Cisco Lancome likes to talk about things very much, especially that wonderful night."
Fat Connor’s heart that Pei don’t back channels, "This is my boss read smoothly without blinking an eye. I remember that Sha Zhanyun seems to be the captain of the Feiyu. At dinner, Sasha often went to the Phantom of the Opera to advance to the glorious history. How could she be involved with this woman?"
"What did you say? Wonderful night? Give me the words clearly, "the guard was suddenly ferocious and couldn’t wait to get out and eat Lin momo."
"Hey, who are you? What eavesdropping? I left a message for Miss Zhan Yun. If Xinghai Fan Trace Hall doesn’t give people a reasonable explanation, do we think Cisco Lancome is a bully clown? " Linxi Suoli HeWen said the guard looked one leng.
The guild has guild rules. Although it is an agency of underworld organizations, it is not allowed to violate some people’s privacy.
The screen suddenly changed into a decent face. The middle-aged man explained, "I’m really sorry. I’m the deputy director of Xinghai Fan Trace Hall. I was just joking with my nephew, Miss Sha. We are very popular here, and we are afraid that irrelevant people will come and disturb us."
"Irrelevant people? Who is irrelevant? The door let me in. Our young master of Cisco Lancome disdains membership. What he wants, even stars, has to be sent to the designated place. Is the deputy director of a mere guild hall trying to cover the matter up? I’m sorry, it’s impossible. "Lin momo won’t let him go easily since he catches each other’s sore feet.
Next to Connor, study hard. Lin momo is in a position to follow suit.

"Didn’t I just tell you? I’m sleeping!" Jun Shao’s impatient voice over there replied vaguely that Haitang’s heart seemed to hear him reprimanding someone in a low voice, "Get off my leg!"

Haitang’s heart curled its pie mouth and felt sick, but the current situation forced her to pretend that she didn’t hear anything and continue to say, "Do you have anything tonight? How about people treating you to dinner later?"
"Oh, it is necessary to invite beautiful women!" Jun Shao was happy when he heard it. That sound made people feel frivolous.
But Haitang’s heart still has to endure discomfort and say, "Well, let’s make it a deal that Yunlu Champs Elysé es Restaurant will be there at seven o’clock in the evening."
"Wait a minute!" Jun Shao suddenly called out, "How can I get to a place with such a low grade of Champs Elysé es? Forget it, change it to Tianyi Hotel. It’s also a five-star hotel. I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock in the evening and you send me the address. "
Begonia burst into tears. That Champs Elysé es restaurant usually hurts when you go there by yourself. It’s been a long time, but I didn’t expect people’s eyes to rank badly.
This is the gap between yourself and the real rich family!
But the more so Haitang’s heart feels, the more secure it is, because it is estimated that you can easily help yourself settle this matter with such a strong back and scenery.
However, at the thought of letting Jun pay less, Haitang couldn’t help but feel a little dim. What else can he pay if he wants Jun to help him less?
Forget it, just think of it as a bite from a dog. The pain passed at that time!
Haitang threw her head and bit her teeth bitterly. She is a girl with great ambition. She is willing to give everything for a better life!
At seven o’clock in the evening, a new Daikin Gino M21 appeared. The driver of Haitang Heart House impatiently honked two horns. Haitang Heart was ready to run downstairs. Fortunately, she lives alone now. If her parents saw her, she would really be ashamed to live again.
When I came to the building, a face of glossy powder appeared before her eyes and looked at her. Today, she was deliberately exposed. She nodded her head and hit the door and said, "Come on, beautiful lady."
Haitang heart gently pinched her legs and her hands resolutely walked into the door.
Chapter one hundred and nineteen Make a fool of yourself
After the live broadcast in the evening, Wu Liang put nunchakus on the platform.
As soon as this song appeared, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention, because it is the hottest and most awesome anchor of Jinlong live broadcast at present, and everyone wants to see why this ugly and dead fat can sit firmly in Jinlong live broadcast.
Then a live broadcast carnival turned into a group of people carnival.
"It’s awesome! I’ve never heard such Chinese rap music!"
"I may have listened to fake rap music before!"
"I really like nunchakus. I’m a brother. I’m going to ignite!"
"I will tell you that I am learning nunchakus? The sky can finally be forced in front of Ahua! "
"Make nunchakus hum and hum!"
"nunchakus" hits more than 50,000 in an hour, and the number of votes is as high as 30,000.
The first place in the original ranking is Duda in Jinlong Sanbao. His original "Palmprint" has more than 110 million hits so far at 10: 00 noon, but the number of voters is 120,000.
1:1 This should be a normal number, and not everyone who has heard this song will like it.
But Wu Liang’s nunchakus frightened everyone, and the number of voters reached 30 thousand just after breaking 50 thousand.
This is almost a ratio of 1:1, which means that almost everyone who has heard his songs will vote for him.
What does this say? It says that everyone likes this song very much!
The suspense of the champion is almost gone at this moment. At this rate, Wu Liang’s votes may be more exaggerated than many anchor clicks!
Even the management of Jinlong live broadcast didn’t expect that the competition of Wu Liang’s songs was over at that moment, and they carefully arranged a high-platform popularity activity to come to an end so quickly.
"There is a shady!" Many small anchors are not angry. They think Wu Liang must have brushed the ticket. If he didn’t brush the ticket, how could he have such an exaggerated result?
But more anchors also went to listen to Wu Liang’s nunchakus, and then they were silent.
This is a song that is recorded in the Chinese rap music hall. Even a real singer can’t do it better than Wu Liang.
They lost their hearts.
At one time, the online debate on this song was surging, and soon it spread from the internet to reality. Only one night later, this song has already set off a storm in the music world.
Especially in the middle of the night, Chinese rap music can be regarded as the originator of Dou Haitao, and Weibo himself has spoken.
Today, I heard a friend recommend a new rap "nunchakus". After listening to it, I felt deeply that it would change the history of Chinese rap music, and it also completely changed my understanding of rap music.
A stone stirs up a thousand waves!
Who is Dou Haitao?
He was not the first to engage in rap music, but he was recognized as the only one who pushed rap music to the highest peak in China, and he was the only one who was able to fill 30 thousand people in a concert as a rapper.
Such a hall-level rap musician’s admiration for nunchakus has subverted the cognition of all fans.
Then "Nunchaku" appeared in other places on the Internet, and then the links that were out of control flew all over the sky again.
Wu Liang doesn’t know about all this. He knows that this song has achieved good results, but he went to sleep after the live broadcast last night.
There is nothing wrong with going to bed early and getting up early and listening to your mother.
At the same time, when Dou Haitao released Weibo, another person was awakened in his sleep.
This person’s name is Zhen Zhen, a 49-year-old famous agent of Yicheng Entertainment, including Luo Xinyu, Chen Menghui and many other little kings and little divas.
At one o’clock, Zhen Zhen was sleeping soundly, but at this moment, something disturbed her dream.
Zhen Zhen is very angry. She has low blood pressure. Everyone knows that low blood pressure can cause a lot of waking up. Zhen Zhen is ready. If this damn guy has no special reason, she will make him bear all her anger.
However, when she saw the name on the screen of her mobile phone, all her anger was forcibly swallowed back by herself.
"Hello Jun Shao" Zhen Zhen carefully picked up his mobile phone to avoid alarming himself. Her husband gently walked out of bed and came to the room. "What’s the matter with talking so late?"
"Sister Zhen, I’m really sorry to disturb your rest." Jun Shao’s words were polite, but his tone was not sorry at all. He said casually, "Well, please prepare a contract tomorrow. I want to sign an actress. Then you can help me bring one and help me train her!"
When talking about the set-up, there was a burst of charming/singing around him, but he laughed and seemed to play with someone.
Zhen Zhen immediately understood that this is Jun Shao, and I don’t know what a third-rate star is going to sign her in to the company.
Although I am contemptuous in my heart, I dare not accompany Zhen Zhen, who is my own junior, and ask, "OK, no problem. Is there anything else for Jun Shao?"
"Oh, yes, there is one more thing." Jun Shao stopped fighting and casually asked, "Do you know a network anchor named Wu Liang?"
"Wu Liang?" Zhen Zhen heart thumped a this name but she knows too well.
It can be said that she is chewing this name to sleep every day these days, dare to humiliate herself so much and embarrass herself in front of so many people. This Wu Liang is really the first one.
She also thought about crazy revenge on Wu Liang, but the other party didn’t enter the entertainment circle. Those resources in her circle were inexhaustible, and she couldn’t force her anger to wait quietly for the day when the opportunity came.
But she didn’t expect Jun Shao to suddenly have Wu Liang. What does this mean? Is Jun Shao going to sign this guy at the same time?
But in that case, this guy will become a member of his own company, so how can he get back at him?
Zhen Zhen was very nervous and quickly asked, "I know this person. What do you want?"
Jun Shao laughed easily. "Find someone to help me fuck him."
"Huh?" Zhen Zhen stare blankly for a moment then the in the mind is a burst of ecstasy.
It turns out that Jun Shao is not interested in him but wants to fuck him?
Zhen Zhen this is completely relieved to she didn’t intend to let Wu Liangxian and handsome little support behind with his wrist don’t put the guy the whole survival can not beg dead?
Zhen Zhen fought back his joy and asked carefully, "How did that handsome boy offend you?"
Jun Shao returned to "He didn’t offend me, but he offended my friend. Please don’t ask more questions. Just give me the whole thing and don’t make him feel better."
Have offended your friend?
Did you offend your booty call?
Zhen Zhen’s face flashed with a quick disdain, but the tone didn’t reveal it at all. He was still very respectful and said, "Ok, I’ll arrange for Jun Shao to have nothing else to do, right?"
"No," Jun Shao said carelessly, "Remember to get the contract ready for me when I arrive at the company at noon."

She didn’t realize that she was almost killed until she could stop the magic weapon of defense and break it.

"Can someone be seriously injured?" After the smoke, Lin Qing condensed her gas to ask her brothers in the distance.
Although it is far away, after all, it is the seventh-order monster beast, and its self-exposure power is not to be underestimated.
Taihua and Tianyu’s brothers got some minor injuries in Star Reply.
Lin Qing saw that all the people, either totally embarassed or covered with river water, suffered some waves, if only they were not seriously injured.
The ground was exposed as a huge pit, and Zhang Chang looked at Tan Yanyin with a big mouth
She tightened her arms and quickly looked at Nie Changhe and found that the wolf demon had escaped in disorder.
"Lin …" She looked back at Lin Qing but saw that she was no longer around and I didn’t know when to help clean up the demon.
With Lin Qing and Nie Changhe joining the escaped monster’s minions, they were quickly taken away like being cut into vegetables.
After the danger went, the two teams checked the injuries separately.
Nie Changhe took Tan Yanyin to Lin Qing’s side and said politely, "Thank you for your help this time."
Tan Yanyin answered, "If it weren’t for Lin’s real life, I’m afraid I would have run away and returned to Nanshan."
Lin Qing smiled. "You’re welcome, two Taoist friends. Tianyu Taihua has always been on good terms and should watch and help each other."
For Lin Qing, it’s nothing more than lifting a finger.
It’s a pity that another magic weapon of death and expensive defense is sacrificed to heaven
She is too experienced for her to explode and evade. When asked about the dog monster, she not only threw the monster monster far away, but also took precautions herself.
Is Lin Qing not white this dog demon died too flat and agile.
When did the monster beast give his life for justice like this?
She remembered just now that the dog demon’s eyes were filled with strange scarlet before he exposed himself.
It’s not that simple … Nie Changhe scanned the pit and thought for a while, then asked Lin Qing, "Did Lin Daoyou feel that this wave of monster beast was fierce and tight?"
Lin Qing nodded gently. "We found that evil practice, evil practice and puppet didn’t change from Xishan, but we didn’t think that demon practice became more and more cruel after the poison epidemic, not only for people but also for ourselves."
"Well," Nie Changhe said, "Although the former enemy and I both fought badly, the demon road is not so hard. We have come all the way from the north and it is hard to cope with the monster beast today."
"It’s not easy for the monster beast to repair into human form. For example, according to today’s situation, most of the monster beast virtues must be begging for mercy. Which meeting will resolutely expose itself like today?"
Speaking of which, Nie Changhe said to Lin Qing and Tan Yanyin, "I’ll interrogate those monsters alive and you can talk first."
Lin Qing nodded.
Tan Yanyin recovered and finally there was something strange about Bai Zhongshan’s monster beast.
She combined with Lin Qing to ask the monster beast a round of almond eyes got the message. "This time, I was instructed by my teacher to go to Jingyang Valley to do things, thinking about running errands. I know that I have been going all the way south and almost lost my life several times …" Seeing Tan Yanyin coming clean about Lin Qing’s trip, it was no inconvenience to inquire, so I grabbed several key sections and asked.
Just as he was talking, there were several loud noises coming from the river in the distance.
Lin Qing turned around in surprise and saw that the monster beasts of all sizes caught alive in the distance were almost uniform and all blew themselves up!
What kind of fear is this? !
Lin Qing came to see Nie Changhe, a magic weapon holding defense in the smoke and dust, looking pale.
Chapter 622 Zhao Yan at the Great Lake
Nie Changhe frowned in front of Fei Lin Qing and Tan Yanyin. "This matter is different. Those monster beasts have to inquire deeply or search for souls, and all of them will blow themselves up without exception."
After listening to Tai Hua’s brother, he almost reported Lin Qing’s heart to her, "It seems that I can’t find their purpose from the monster beast’s mouth."
After dealing with the monster beast, the two teams decided to take a rest on the spot because of the damage caused by the monster beast’s self-explosion.
Lin Qing Nie Changhe exchanged messages.
After listening, she was quite worried that "the monster beast is so determined that it is not simply thought that Lin Tian or evil spirits have banned them."
Nie Changhe sank, "It will be more and more difficult to deal with monsters in the future."
In addition to exchanging war news, Lin Qing’s most heart is Lin Gu’s whereabouts.
Tan Yanyin sighed, "Uncle Lin didn’t come to Zhongshan this time. Since the monster beast forest accident, my strength has been greatly damaged. Except for the necessity, my legacy is now urging my brother to practice badly. Alas, I don’t know when I can avenge the evil spirit on the sage."
Just at this time, there was some movement in the Tianyu team not far away.
"All blame you! If you hadn’t left the team to pick what Lingcao tried to upgrade, it would have caused us to suffer this catastrophe. "
"That’s it! If it weren’t for Taihuazong’s help, I’m afraid a group of us would be dragged down by you! "
Tan Yanyin saw several brothers listening to the lecture around one person, and she already knew who they were targeting.
Her heart gently hum a pair of Lin Qing way "let you laughed I’ll deal with a"
Lin Qing’s natural objection
She sat in situ thinking about the news she had found these days.
I was thinking about another commotion over there.
It seems that Tan Yanyin has not solved the problem.
Nie Changhe looked at Lin Qing awkwardly. "Lin Daoyou helped himself to see it."
Lin Qing nodded.
Lin Qing will never intervene in his dispatch unless there are special circumstances.
Just as she was about to take care of herself for a while, God parted ways when a man fell out of the pile.

Now it’s a big change in history.

Kay seemed to be guided by fate and ran to the storm fortress again, but this time it was the Delaney who was cut down by the evil orc army, and went to the road to send a rescue request. Kay’s sense of justice exploded and he took the elves to help himself
This makes Duke, who is familiar with history, feel happy …
"Are we going to fight again?" Magny is light asked.
"No, not so fast. I’m going to give some support and let Kael’thas carry it for a while."
"The morale of the alliance is ok, but the physical strength of soldiers and the financial resources of various countries are at the limit." Magni sighed
Without Duke’s economic development plan over the years, it is estimated that the alliance will be even more difficult
The body of the Chapter 1365 Immortal Willem
It’s a good thing to fight the Great Patriotic War. Even if you can’t even hang your pants, you can’t knit your brows. Suddenly, it is said that killing evil will cross the stars and send larger troops to another world. It is conceivable that the alliance will cause widespread controversy.
Duke now said that it would be a relief to slow down.
Duke turned to Varian. "Did you just want to ask me what I want to make an alliance with the tribe?"
"Yeah, that’s right."
"excuse me, whose territory is Delano?"
When they heard it, they suddenly woke up.
Even after the terrible explosion, according to intelligence, there are still many orcs living on the broken planet Delano.
Duke went on to say, "If the tribe is just Azeroth, even if there are five tribes of orcs, tauren, trolls, goblins and forgotten people, how many people can they add up to?" 200,000 to the sky! Don’t say 200 thousand, I count the tribe as one million people, but Delano is different. "
Just after the war, Queen Leahy strode over. "How many tribes are there in Delano?"
"Adult soldiers are not 3 million. The latest information is that Illidan is the pawn of the Burning Legion, and Marselleton tries to turn all orcs into evil orcs, which means that once Illidan succeeds, we will face 10 million strengthened orcs." Duke added two words "Less!"
This time, the field is all pumped out.
Duke asked, "does anyone want to’ we still control the dark door at least’?"
Kalia shook her head. "Just as we chose to destroy the insect nest to prevent more insects from being born in Allah’s insect nest from harming the world, we will not let go of those guys who tried to destroy Azeroth this time."
Defense alone is never reliable.
Passive defense is the choice of the weak. The real defense line is never those who build fortress, but stronger army.
"Hoo" Duke breathed a sigh of relief. Without Terenas, the guy who hindered the planet’s rotation was happy. The whole alliance was in control by himself, and he didn’t worry about who was holding him back. Only then did he say leisurely, "So I agreed to form an alliance with the tribe. The best hope is to get Sal back in alliance with the Draenor orcs and let him organize the orcs to fight against the Illidan legion."
"Will it be …" Duke knew that Magny was trying to say whether it would be wild.
Duke shook his head.
According to the history, Sal will go back to Naglan, as always, and step into the natural path to change from a simple warrior to a real shaman.
In this way, Sal will be a more personal and harmful leader.
"Orcs are not the only force in outland. I have asked Kael’thas to deal with the self-proclaimed’ Delaney’ race. If possible, I hope to recruit Delaney people to join the alliance because these Delaney people believe in the same holy light as us!" Speaking of which, Duke gently hammered Leo’s breastplate with his fist
Among many races in Azeroth, such as dwarves, dwarfs and elves, they form alliances with human beings more because of interests, while Delaney people have few religions and ideas to join the alliance.
In Duke’s eyes, Delaney’s participation should be said to be natural.
Besides, the Delaney boss is the Willem!
Reverend Willem is also known as the "immortal". He has witnessed several worlds destroyed by the Burning Legion and is one of the few people who can remember all these worlds.
The origin of Villen can’t be traced back to his hometown of Agus. He used to be a respectable leader. Twenty-five thousand years ago, Sagras of Sageras promised to give the people of Villen poor power, but he wisely refused. He foresaw that accepting this power would bring poverty disaster.
However, two other leaders of Ereda, Kilgardan and Archimonde, agreed to the Sargeras deal.
Willem realized that Agus had gained a foothold. He and his brave followers rose up against Sageras and the mysterious light creature Naru helped escape Agus.
These brave exiles call themselves Delaney or "exiles", but they have taken refuge in Sargeras Kilgadan. For the past 25,000 years, they have been organizing an army of demons to bite these Delaney.
The Veyron Demon Corps fought for thousands of years and led his people to the world inhabited by savage orcs, which became a refuge for these wanderers. They named this new world Delano.
By the way, an orc doesn’t recognize the name Delano, and they all call their home "our world".
Villen and his people Delano have lived a relatively peaceful and stable life for hundreds of years. Although they know that it is a problem for the Burning Legion to find them, they still try their best to coexist peacefully with other races here.
It’s a pity that all kinds of conflicts of the orc Delaney were caused by the discovery of Kilgardan’s will in a shaman’s emptiness.
Nerazu tricked all the orc clans into forming an old tribe, and directly attacked Shatas, the holy city where Delano, the Delano, the Delaney, lived.
Sadly, the Delaney people once settled down and were forced to rush to zangarmarsh. Many Delaney people lost their minds and became wandering in the swamp like ghosts.
Now Duckby is sure that the ancient prophet Willem knows very well that the Delaney people will face new threats.
The immortal must protect his people or the whole Delaney nation will be swallowed up by darkness.
And that emergence of the alliance happen to be the biggest opportunity for Delaney’s life to multiply.
"Kael’thas wrote that Velen, the Delaney leader, wanted to meet me," Duke said.
"Are you going?" Jaina asked.
"Go, of course, but it’s not the time when the league needs to rest and make peace …" Here Duke patted Varian on the shoulder. "Varian will go first for me and reach a preliminary agreement with Waylon, okay? I have to be busy with the magic net. "
"Good Uncle Duke" Varian’s eyes flashed sharp and he knew it was a rare opportunity to hone himself and prove himself.
After the simple discussion, Duke first returned to Naxxramas and then called out the two emperors.
Snapped a C ‘Thun tentacles to the ground.
"Well, do you have any hesitation now?"
The body of the Chapter 1366 Shook the Double Emperors
[C ‘Thun tentacles]!
This is a very popular prop for gentlemen. If this ornament can summon a C ‘Thun tentacle to beat the player’s enemies in the game.
Just like [Barov’s Butler Bell], three thugs were immediately recruited to hinder traffic, and the mistake was to interfere with the enemy.
If Duke can’t manipulate the elements into stripes and tentacles, maybe he will use them to train dragons whenever his forehead gets hot.
Of course, at this moment, this is just a certificate.
The two emperors are so proud that their nostrils are almost in the air.
Did Duke show their dead faces when he lost his master but didn’t lose his life tentacles, or did they change several times in succession?
This is the end of an era.
C ‘Thun finished their servants, of course, but they didn’t see it with their own eyes and still couldn’t believe it was a fact.
"The era of ancient gods is over. Maybe Yogger Salon will jump out to Y’Shaarj in the future … Well, Enzos, forget it, but what about that? I can kill an ancient god, and naturally I can kill the second and third! "
Duke’s words were hammered at the hearts of the two emperors, smashing their last reserve.
Simply forcing them to surrender is simple.

When gastrodia elata was bright, Ouyang Fei joined everyone and dressed up for each other. One person hurried in outside.

Everyone made way for this man to come to Ou Yangfei and hand in hand, saying, "Little master is not good."
Ouyang Fei’s eyebrows sank. "What’s the matter?"
This humanitarian "the capital is under martial law and the gates are strictly examined. I’m afraid we can’t get out."
"Martial law?" Ou Yangfei thought for a moment, "It makes sense. According to the current situation, it will take some days before we have a chance to go out of the city."
Lu Bo asked the humanitarian, "What is the situation?"
The humanitarian said, "The major gates are blocked, and the Royal Guards are sweeping the streets looking for all suspicious people. I’m afraid it’s inconvenient for us to go out in case we are regarded as suspicious people."
Liu Bo thought for a moment and said, "I will be responsible for the daily life during this period. In addition, we should also arrange manpower around the roadway to make preparations before it is in condition to ensure that it is lost."
1/4 12:2:15|4313216
Chapter 92 Familiar with fragrance
Yang Rongfu Long Biao was telling Yang Rong that "two people entered the palace last night. The first one got the sword, then left the palace and fled. Finally, he entered a courtyard house in a residential area, and the other one went back to Fuhai Mountain Villa."
"Fuhai Mountain Villa?" Yang Rong was surprised. "How can it be Fuhai Mountain Villa?"
Long Biao said, "It is indeed Fuhai Mountain Villa."
Yang Rong thought for a moment and said, "Fuhai Mountain Villa wants Chixiao Sword? Isn’t it behind the shenji mansion? "
Long Biao shook his head. "This genus hasn’t been found out yet, but according to the investigation, in recent years, the owner of Fuhai Villa has been polite to Shenji Mansion on the surface. In fact, he has always complained about it, and there is something behind it. Besides, Dongfang Cheng, the Lord of Xiaoyao City, is also Fuhai Villa at present."
"I didn’t expect so many Wulin people to gather in Fuhai Mountain Villa." Yang Rong shook his head and smiled. "Keep a close eye on suspicious movements and tell the old lady."
Long Biao said, "At present, the capital is blocked and the Royal Guards search back and forth tightly, and our people’s movements are also restricted because they are worried that they will be taken away by the Royal Guards."
Yang Rong Zheng remembered that Zhu Zhanji had said that he was going to get angry at the right time. It seems that Zhu Zhanji intended to do so, which just made the play more credible. I’m afraid they didn’t dare to take action when the city blocked this section. We can properly accept it and strengthen surveillance after the limelight has passed. "
Long Biao was ordered to say, "Yes."
Yang Rong nodded and said, "What did Du Shoutou do these days? Do you know what he did?"
Long Biao one leng quick way "Du Catcher took Zhou Xiaoxiao out yesterday, and I haven’t seen anyone yet, and I don’t know where he is and what he is doing."
Yang Rongdao: "Do you know where he went out yesterday?"
Long Biao Road "Huiying Inn"
Yang Rong wondered why Du Feng should meet himself after what happened last night. Why didn’t Du Feng show up at this time? What does this little guy do? I want people to explore, but when I think that the capital is now under martial law, the Royal Guards are notoriously disowned. Even if their own government people go out, they may be suspected, and it will be difficult for them to do so. So I said, "The first step has been successful, and now I have to wait. If Endu Captor returns, you can ask him to come to me."
However, Du Fenggang just woke up from his lethargy. He opened his eyes and found himself tied up in a closed room. There was a wooden bed in the room and he was lying on his face. He struggled to turn up and saw a hole the size of a bowl facing the door. There was light shining from the outside. It should be a water delivery and food room, but it smelled bad and musty.
"Hello? Hello?" Du Feng went to the door and shouted.
"Brother Du?" Immediately there was a noise next to him and someone responded to him.
"Miss Zhou?" Du Feng heard the sound and asked, "Is that Miss Zhou?"
Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "I’m next to you, Brother Du. You’re not seriously injured, are you?"
Du Feng said in a warm heart, "I’m fine. What about you? They didn’t do anything to you? "
Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "I was here when I woke up last night. No one has come yet."
Du Fengwen said in his heart that "nothing is good, nothing is good"
Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "Brother Du, what shall we do now? It’s dark here and I’m a little scared. "
Du Feng said, "I’m not afraid that Brother Du is right next to you. I believe they will talk to us soon, and then Brother Du will find a way to get you out."
Dangdang heard footsteps at this time and Zhou Xiaoxiao was busy saying, "Someone is coming."
"Have a meal" turned out to be a meal. Du Feng was not disappointed and turned around and sat down on the bed.
Among the three people walking in the passage outside the house, a woman wore a hat and a circle of silk gauze, and she couldn’t see her face clearly.
She wore a wide plain clothes to cover up her figure, holding a basket in her hand and looking at it with her eyes fluttering around behind two guards.
Three people came to the door and a bodyguard said, "Here it is."
The woman looked at the door hole and hummed and waved the basket in her hand. "How can I put such a small hole in the dish and knock on the door for me to send it in?"
The bodyguard hesitated. "I’m afraid it’s not right. The housekeeper didn’t explain it."
The woman said coldly, "Why am I not afraid of a woman? What are you seven-foot men afraid of?"
Two guards were told by the woman that one face was red, and then the door was hit. The female probe saw Du Feng sitting cross-legged on the bed board and reposing, but sitting behind his hands was straight.
Then the woman stepped into it, but the smell inside was pungent. The woman couldn’t help coughing. When she walked to the front of Du Feng, the woman said softly, "It’s time for Du to catch the meal."
Du Feng didn’t open his eyes and said lightly, "Where do you put it?"
Du Feng, who was indifferent to the woman’s basket, felt a scent of food and shook her head slightly with a sigh and looked at Du Feng carefully. At this moment, Du Feng smelled a faint fragrance from the female body and seemed to be familiar with Du Feng’s surprise and slowly opened his eyes.
At first sight, a woman who covered her face with silk gauze couldn’t see what was so special about her. Du Feng thought it was a delivery maid, then closed her eyes for a moment and didn’t see the woman leave. Du Feng wondered, "Do you have anything else?"
"No, no," the woman slowly put her basket in her hand and whispered, "Eat something so that she can have the strength to do things!"
Du Feng suddenly Zheng immediately opened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him carefully. She didn’t feel deja vu, but she thought, did her words wake me up just now? What is she going to say? Who is she?
The woman bowed her head and took out the food from the basket, gently placed it on the bed surface and said softly, "Have some. I will take it back after eating, but I won’t be able to eat it at night."
Du Feng glanced at the two guards at the door and said, "Can you trouble the girl with your hands tied?"
When the woman heard Du Feng’s words, she didn’t notice that his hands were tied. She just came in and noticed Du Feng’s expression, but she didn’t see his back. Her hands were tied with ropes. The female probe looked at his back. His hands were exposed and his wrists were tied with ropes. The body trembled slightly.
Du Feng found the woman strange and asked, "What’s the matter with you?"
"Nothing’s all right." The woman glanced vaguely at the guard at the door, opened her mouth and stopped turning around. "I can’t untie your rope, so let me feed you!"

"I have a few questions for you to answer honestly. Don’t let me lose patience with you." Zhai Ling solved the dumb hole.

"If you don’t kill me, I’ll tell you everything." Zhou immediately bowed.
"I want to know the information from Hei Hu. Tell me what you know," Zhai Ling said.
"Hei Hu gang?" On Monday, I thought of Zhai Ling’s identity at the same time. Is it because the court knew about his own smuggling?
Should I? If it really leaked out, how could the imperial court send this man to find trouble for himself?
Weeks also dare not think about what hurriedly confessed "Hei Hu gang is black three to five years ago to establish a force members about more than one thousand people black three this human nature is very greedy, especially like …"
"You and I are here to listen to a story?" Zhai Ling directly interrupted Zhou’s story and then said coldly, "What is the strength of the Hei Hu gang?"
"The highest is the fifth floor of the construction period. In addition to the black three, they Hei Hu help two people who fix the truth on the fifth floor of the construction period and more than 20 members of the construction period. They are all shrimp in the gathering period." Zhou did not dare to talk nonsense and quickly answered.
"What’s going on with your deal with the Hei Hu gang?" Zhai Ling also discovered the missing person. Originally, he had not linked Zhou’s family to this matter, but after a secret investigation, he found that Zhou was linked to this missing person case.
"This ….. I don’t know what is the meaning of black three? Three years ago, he suddenly found me and said he wanted to talk about a business deal with me. I really don’t know what’s wrong with him. Every year, he wants me to send him a lot of people, "Zhou replied."
"Do you know where those people have gone?" Zhai Ling wondered if this Hei Hu gang was doing something "big".
"I’m not sure if I sent someone to find out before. I heard that I was escorted to a secret base by the black three-body. I don’t know anything." Zhou can honestly answer his eyes and sneak a peek at Zhai Ling
"Good" Zhai Ling corners of the mouth a wide abrupt look at the week.
74, the wicked terminator (subscription)
Welcome to Zhai Ling’s deep and remote cold eyes and a quiver all over, but don’t wait for him to respond. Is Zhai Ling pointing out his dumb hole again? ? Huo ran Wen w? W? W? .?
Then I saw two luminous hands moving to his abdomen and suddenly a huge suction suddenly came out.
Zhou’s eyes stare big, and there is a strong fear in the incredible.
-What’s going on?
-What has reduced my aura?
It’s a pity that Zhou Gen couldn’t make a sound. He could tremble violently in situ and look at Zhai Ling like a devil.
"When you destroyed those koo people, you should have thought that you would have such a day." Zhai Lingyin was not mixed with feelings but echoed in my mind like thunder.
Dozens of spirit stars from Zhou collapsed and included two life bridges. These reiki all poured into Zhailing body crazily.
When it was less than 12 breath, it poured into Zhailing body, but it only made Zhai Ling condense out two spirit stars, which was too little compared with what Anshan brought to Zhailing.
Can also blame this guy Zhou know covet to enjoy your end don’t put the science of uniting the rest assured condensed by the psionic quality is too low.
Looking at Zhou’s corpse turned into a mass of powder, Zhai Ling got up and went to the man’s side. This guy also did a lot of bad things with Zhou’s side, and there are nearly 100 koo lives in his hand. Zhai Ling naturally won’t let him go
"Is the third floor of the foundation period? Forget it. Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are. "Zhai Ling is no longer a pity that he will start working again without saying anything.
After fifteen breath, Zhai Ling handled the scene without leaving a trace, and then the whole person quietly left like a ghost.
In a short time, Zhou’s family will never find out where Zhou died. Zhai Ling can also kill more wicked people from Zhou’s family during this time.
Hei Hu gang headquarters is located in the western suburbs, which is not far from here.
Looking around is a villa group, surrounded by more than a dozen knife guards, with cold eyes scanning the nearby area.
In the dark, a black shadow suddenly flashed in from one side, which was just the moment when the shadow trail of those guards’ blind spots was not found.
Zhailing Cat went to the branch of a big tree and looked around at the villas.
"According to Zhou, there are people living in Hei Hu. No wonder so many dark eyes are arranged." Zhai Ling’s eyes moved from a big tree in the distance to a pile of grass that can sink into people’s waist fifty meters away.
Fortunately, Zhai Ling rushed in without such a big stab, otherwise some dark guards hiding around here would have really found him.
However, if Zhai Ling wants to go in, he needs more means.
Looking back, Zhai Ling suddenly had a black dagger in his right hand. The whole person looked at the three people in the nearby grass and then quietly hid from the tree and touched it in the dark.
Three faces are tattooed with camouflage, and the whole person is prone to the ground and tries to open his eyes and look at the road.
Still can’t resist a guard yawned.
One of the "Attention Points of the Second Artillery Corps" looked back and gave Hachette a low drink a way.
"Know the boss" On the surface, this second artillery is an attitude of admitting mistakes, but in fact, in my heart, it is very rude to this boss. "This guy knows that there has been an accident for such a long time? Don’t you just give me a kiss? It’s really puzzling. "
Since the villa group was built, their whole team has been lurking in these dark places for more than a year. They come every night and are more diligent than visiting the kiln, but nothing has happened. Even a wild boar has not broken in. Many brothers feel that the birds have faded out.
Captain natural don’t know the second artillery idea continue to lie prone to look at the road situation abrupt ankle met something but didn’t think it was the second artillery and disturbing immediately frowned.
"Second Artillery, what are you doing?" The captain lowered his bass and turned around angrily.
Is suddenly face a change a shadow directly over.
All three of them fainted in an instant.
Zhai Ling, the three spiritual practitioners, also intends to treat them with such a low level that it is estimated that those wicked people can do bad things.
Zhai Ling hid in the grass and looked at the route he had just come to and then looked around for more than two hundred meters. The spirit suddenly enveloped him.
Ok, there are many big trees here, and Zhai Ling is quite far from the tree where the dark guards are hiding at the moment, which is a lot of comfort.
See the eye villa Zhai Ling corners of the mouth become warped lurking in the past.
Hei Hu helped build villas here for those members of the construction period, and Zhai Ling also saved thousands of people the trouble of finding the wicked in the construction period.
Into the house, Zhai Ling immediately heard a gasp from the building, and when he picked Zhai Ling, he lurked in the past.
With the door left unlocked, Zhai Ling happened to see a young woman riding with a golden tiger fat on her back and walked in with a wide mouth.
Fat a face of evil smile looked at the young woman milli cherish meaning.
A moment later, I was fat. When I was sprinting, the young woman’s eyes suddenly filled with horror. Fat looked up and looked proud, but suddenly I saw a figure reflected in the young woman’s eyes.
Suddenly frightened!
I didn’t come to say a word because of the golden tiger fat root tattooed on my back.
A blood arrow floated out of the fat and the whole person lost consciousness.
And Zhai Ling didn’t want to kill the young woman. She knocked herself unconscious and threw it to one side, and then gathered around the fat side to make instant efforts.
After fifteen breath, five spiritual stars condensed out. Zhai Ling jumped up from the ground and went to the window to see the layout around his eyes, then got up and went to a villa.
This is a golden opportunity. How can Zhai Ling give up an opportunity to improve his strength?
A flicker came to the second villa.
The owner of this second villa is a chubby middle-aged man in vain. Zhai Ling hesitated at first. This guy doesn’t look like a villain, but he found the villa in a warehouse filled with more than 100 girls’ heads.
Zhai Ling a face of surprise, but he didn’t expect this guy to grow fat in vain, but he was a man with a face and a beast. An anger suddenly filled my heart.

In the so-called twenty-four yamen, Tianqin specialized in the management of eunuchs, and the eunuch served the emperor’s family organization with twelve supervisors and four departments collectively referred to as twenty-four yamen.

Liuxuan nodded and stretched out his hand and took the jade operator in Wu’s hand.
It is also simple to record things in the real jade operator, that is, some information about Princess Yan’s mother’s family. After Liu Xuan saw it, the jade operator snapped off.
Liu Xuan nodded and left Wu Shi in the abode of fairies and immortals, and then went out to Houfeng to find Xu Shixiong, who explained to him what he needed.
This bearded male can’t deny it naturally, but after he wakes up, Liu Xuan will cancel all the ordinary younger brothers’ treatment. That is to say, if Liu Xuan doesn’t join his younger brother, he will not leave his old school for a year and a half, but after joining his younger brother, these rewards will be cancelled together, and he will have to complete some younger brothers.
The mountain is ok, but the theory should not last more than half a year. If it exceeds the limit for personal reasons, it will be punished by our teachers.
Liuxuan thought about it for half a year, and he almost went to the imperial city to practice for the old emperor for three months. This time, it was only natural to send the daughter of the prince.
It turned out that he didn’t accept that he could meet Wu Shi, but it was understandable to refuse the prince’s request. However, reading the loyalty of the prince naturally refused to chill the prince’s heart, and he still had many things to go back to the imperial city. He was seriously injured when he left, and suddenly he didn’t know what had happened to his brothers. Now, such an opportunity just happened to go back and have a look and forget his wish.
Then she went to Jilan’s abode of fairies and immortals again and found that she was still closed, so she didn’t bother. But when he went to see Avril Lavigne, the little girl actually went out and repaired to the peak of conation order. Looking at her slightly thin face, Liu Xuan knew that she also ate a lot because he took out six condensed herbs and gave them to Avril Lavigne. This is two people to give three to two women respectively. This is already more than the limit that can be tolerated in one promotion. If three condensed herbs can’t be promoted, it will be three years later.
However, Liu Xuan believes that Avril Lavigne has no problem, and it is also because of Jilan’s spiritual promotion that she is most afraid of demons. That’s why Avril always has a big heart. There should be no demons, but Jilan is not the same. Because of Qi’s adult and Gongsun’s Liuxuan, she feels that she is silent for many times, and she may make mistakes when she is promoted. But there is no way to help you solve it by herself.
After appeasing Avril Lavigne and Liu Xuan, she packed her things, just like Wu Shishan, who was not a Tai Chi disciple, could not bend the bow, and Liu Xuan was not accompanied by Wu Shishan by a lovely flying tool like Lingzhou.
Halfway up the hill, I saw that Wang Meng Wang Meng was a kind of spiritual valley. After he had been to Beihe River with Liu Xuan for the first time, he was finished. Liu Xuan gave him a very high rating. He didn’t come out to plant spiritual valley, but this guy recently got into trouble and beat a small family. He was being punished to manage his gas condensation order. I also heard that he was good with Liu Xuan and didn’t specifically target him, but for a clown like Wang Meng, it was quite torturing him. He would rather go to the mine than this spiritual valley.
At the sight of Liuxuan, his eyes went straight. He threw the tools directly and ran to Liuxuan’s side. "Does Liuge have a legacy? Take me one? "
Because Wang Meng is too similar to Dameng, Liu Xuan won’t let him call himself ShiShu. Just call him Brother. Dameng and Lv Chun have always called him Beihe. This kind of Wang Meng has been called read smoothly. Naturally, you will come with your mouth open.
Liu Xuan stared at him. Liu Xuan also heard about it. Since she sold Liu Xuan’s face, she will naturally find a way to let Liu Xuan know this "what’s going on?"
Wang Meng scratched his head awkwardly. "Nothing is nothing but learning from each other. My hands are a little heavy. It’s not my fault that Xiaoping is not a good thing, and I would have wanted to beat him if there were no rules for his legacy."
Liu Xuan saw his one eye, and his style was really the same as that of Da Meng. When Liu Xuan saw Wu Meng, he often had an illusion that Wang Meng was reborn as Da Meng.
Liu Xuanyuan didn’t want to take him, but on second thought, it might be really inconvenient to be alone. After all, Wu Shi said that he couldn’t follow Liu Xuan, who was in charge of managing Wang Meng, and he went to his younger brother.
Wang Meng is also a war cousin. He is usually organized into a fixed team to be responsible for the mountain guards, and Liu Xuan has never experienced these because he is extremely dangerous.
When I heard that Liuxuan was going to take Mengmeng Mountain, it was a sigh of relief. This Wang Meng gave him a headache. Because of Liuxuan, he was afraid to punish him too much. When he heard that Liuxuan was going to take Mengmeng Mountain, he was full of words.
369. Fengshan County
When the three men went to the mountain, Wu also had a spiritual ride, so Wu led the way to the north
Although the northern fortress was broken, the northerners did not pursue it, but they took away tens of thousands of Qin people.
As we all know, the land area of Beifan is far richer than the vast mineral resources of Tianqin, but the cold season in Beifan is long and sparsely populated, and many mining industries are under normal mining conditions. Before mining, Beifan came to Tianqin to plunder people. These people were taken to Beifan, Qin Dou, and became slaves of Beifan people.
Because of the improvement of Tianqin and Beifan in the Great Patriotic War, the incidents of Beifan people’s abduction have also decreased a lot, but occasionally things still happen, but most of them are individual trips, just like a robbery at Taiji Gate Mine, which cannot be regarded as a national trip to Beifan.
Although it was said to be journey to the south, the direction chosen by Wu was not the direction of Beihe County. There are generally two boundaries in Yanbei North Fan. One is the horizontal boundary between Yanbei North Fan and the county government, including Beihe River, Lanhe River and Jiaodong County. However, there is a mountain range on the west side of Yanbei, which is called the Hogarippe Mountain in North Fan, and it is also called the Fengshan Mountain in Tianqin.
In ancient times, there was a huge buttonwood tree, which was called the phoenix tree. It has a great vein, and even the rivers and provinces in Tianqin and Beifan have a residual vein.
It’s hard to imagine that it’s impossible for ordinary people to climb the fallen mountain, and it’s impossible for the army to climb it without three or two months. The cold season in northern Yanbei is long, and if it is blocked and trapped in the mountains, many people and the army are not dead enough, and human beings can’t fight against nature.
On the west side of the county, relying on the people of Beifan, this county is called Fengshan County, which is actually the largest county in northern Yanbei, but it is also the poorest county because of almost all mountainous areas, but at the same time, it is also the safest place in northern Yanbei because of Fengshan.
After the daughter of the Prince of Yan first hid Luofengshan and entered Fengshan County, the three people stopped and went, often walking for a while and flying for a while. There was no way because some roads were almost mountain roads. Although Lingma could walk, people could not sit on horseback safely, and such mountain roads particularly affected the progress.
However, with the continuous progress, Liu Xuan felt something different. When Wu chose this direction, it turned out to be a place with extremely abundant wood aura. Is it true that there are really phoenix trees here?
The phoenix tree in Fengshan was taken away by an ancient genius because there was a piece of Fuxiqin in the ten treasures of the true fairy. Once Fuxi saw a phoenix flying down a phoenix tree. The phoenix tree was three feet high and cut into three sections according to heaven, earth and people in thirty-three days. Soak the middle section in long running water for 72 days and wait for 72 days; Take up and dry in the shade to make Fuxi Qin
Supposedly, this phoenix tree has been taken away by Fu Xishi, but there is such a strong wooden aura here?
Wu Shi has always led Liu Xuan and Wang Meng to a giant tree, which is not a phoenix tree but a huge purple pine. Purple pine is a very strange tree. Its growth cycle is extremely slow, and it is often less than the thickness of human thighs for a hundred years. Purple pine is rare, but its density is quite high. Although he is not a spiritual material, he is often used by spiritual practice to make tools. But it is the first time to see such a big purple pine, Liu Xuan.
Since it’s called a giant tree, it’s naturally huge. I’m afraid I can’t hold it all three times. Because of the long time, the purple pine has been split from it. Half of it looks intact, but the other half has a super big tree hole. The purple pine sticks to the tree hole where the cliff grows and generally extends into the cliff.
As soon as a few people fell, a layer of semi-transparent ban appeared at the hole of the tree.
Liuxuan couldn’t help feeling awkward because he felt the rich wooden aura almost coming out of this tree hole all the way, not to say that it came from this purple pine because it was not a spiritual thing after all.
Wu see LiuXuan sample also smiled "willow and also feel it? As a native of Yanbei, you should have heard of the reason for the fall of Fengshan. Come on, don’t you wonder where that phoenix tree came from? "
Liu Xuan was even more strange when he heard Wu Shi’s words. Although he felt a strong wooden aura from the pine tree, he still couldn’t understand why he didn’t have anything to do with the buttonwood tree
Wu Shizi took a few slaps on the pine tree to eliminate the ban, and then led Liu Xuan and Wang Meng into the tree hole. At this time, Liu Xuan discovered that there was a hole in the tree hole. The purple pine turned out to be a cave. It is more reasonable to say that it is not a cave, but a tree hole. This tree hole is actually made of roots of purple pine.
Moreover, the tree hole actually grew bigger and bigger, and it actually kept walking for a hundred feet. Finally, it actually walked into the mountainside, and it felt more spacious as it walked. Finally, there was a place like a palace in front of the three of them.
Before arriving at the palace, Wu Shiyi pointed to the palace. "This is the temple of phoenix tree. There is a saying in Tianqin that there were three sacred trees in ancient times, Fusang, Ruomu and Wutong. I think Liu Zongguan must have heard of it."
Liu Xuan nodded. "Xiangfu Xiqin is made of buttonwood and Fengshan County originated because there was a phoenix here. Is it true?"
Wu Changchang sighed, "I’m not sure whether it’s true or not, but it’s sure that it was the temple where Fengshan County people served the phoenix tree, but we also saw this temple, but we didn’t find the phoenix tree and the willow commander found that there was no wood spirit here. The report doubted that there was a phoenix tree root here, but we dug for a long time and didn’t find it at last."
But Liu Xuan was puzzled when he heard Wu Shi’s words, not because he didn’t believe Wu Shi’s words, but because he was particularly sensitive to the aura around him. He vaguely felt that this place was of great help to him, so Liu Xuan didn’t talk, closed his eyes and quietly reached out and put his hands to finish his knowledge. Liu Xuan’s knowledge can almost cover this palace.
When he closed his eyes and felt a full wick fragrance, his heart suddenly moved and he took out a green gem from his bag.
37, sycamore
Although Liu Xuan has been fighting for this emerald, he has never understood what this gem is. There is no such thing in Tianqin Records. However, since it was originally a dharma practitioner, it should be a proprietary thing in the dharma field. However, when he took out the emerald, Wu Shi was stunned.
Liu Xuan looked at Wu with some doubts. "Does Wu Laobo know this thing?"
At that time, it was not bad that he finally called Wu Shiwu’s predecessor, because when he was still in the conation order, Wu was already in the gas coagulation order, and the gas coagulation order had been more than ten years. However, since he promised to help the prince escort his daughter, Wu refused to let him call himself his predecessor. After all, Liu Xuan is now in the gas coagulation order, so Liu Xuan later changed to call him Wu Laobo.
Wu nodded. "Can Commander Liu explain this thing?"
Look at what he said seriously. Liu Xuan didn’t take it to heart. After all, he got it simply, but he didn’t take it seriously. Wu Shi was different. He carefully took the emerald and studied it carefully. He also injected a little spiritual emerald from time to time. When he injected aura, he also exuded soft green light.
Finally, he handed the emerald to Liu Xuan. "If I am not mistaken, it should be an extremely precious life gem. It is really rare for Liu Guan to get this sacred object."
"Well, Wu Laobo actually knows this thing, but does Wu Laobo know what this thing has?"
Wu Shi was silent for a while, as if he had thought for a long time before saying, "I know a few simple things that are of great value to refined pharmacists. I heard that this life gem can catalyze plant life. After he catalyzes plants, they can often increase their medicinal properties for several years. It is really good for pharmacists, but it is nothing for our ordinary spiritual cultivation."
Liu Xuan is a little strange. Since Wu Shi knows this gem of life, there is no reason not to know that this thing can catalyze quickly. It is a catalytic elixir. Although it sounds very bad, it is really ineffective for those low-order elixirs when it comes to high-order elixirs. After all, high-order elixirs can be used for decades and hundreds of years. What effect can you have in those few years?
Liu Xuan suddenly thought of an idea. Could it be that this rapid growth method only works with Mulinggen? So he asked Wu Shi, "Have you ever heard of this thing that can catalyze plants quickly, Uncle Wu?"
Wu Shi shook his head. "I’ve never heard of such a thing."
Thought of this, Liu Xuan finally came here for nothing. He has been able to catalyze the vine plants, mainly the plant species. It seems that Faxiu, who was killed by himself, has found something that can promote him to fight in a short time. It is this plant that will catalyze the battle through the function of life gem.
The thought in his heart suddenly lit up the jewel of life in his hand as if to guide Liu Xuan’s direction, so he no longer hesitated to walk in the direction of guiding the jewel to shine
Go straight to the end of the cave. There is a feldspar without it. Liu Xuan wonders if there is something hidden in the mountain wall, so he knocks and fights. If it is not the jewel of life that has been on all the time, he suspects that he has found the wrong place.
Wu Shi and Wang Meng also found this situation. They also helped Liu Xuan find it, but Wu Shi also helped to find it, but he didn’t hold out much hope. He said that the prince of this place had once explored it, but it was a pity that he found it.
Liu Xuan knocked for a while and found nothing, so he knocked on the stones that fell to the ground, but as long as he knocked on the stones, the jewels of life gave a dazzling light.
"Don’t you?" Liu Xuan reached out with doubts and stroked the stone surface. As he stroked it, he felt that the stone was so rich that it was almost vaporized, and as he stroked his hand, the gem of life became brighter and brighter.
Liu Xuan doesn’t hesitate to change his left hand gesture to a five-line spirit-breaking tactic and a dust-breaking tactic. His hand-breaking tactic is the same as musket and ice blade, and it is a high-order technique refined by him through the five-line technique. The so-called dust-breaking is the so-called dust-breaking of earth, gold and wood dust, that is, a technique to break these three mixtures.
When Liu Xuan’s left hand waved a stone, a little bit of green came out along the stone with Liu Xuan’s hand, but it was very weak in the past. Liu Xuan kept wiping pieces of mottled stones and peeling them off from the stone for a while, and then the quality was revealed. Don’t say that this was naturally a part of the buttonwood tree.
As the saying goes, Fu Xishi divided the sycamore tree into three sections because the timbre of the section was too sharp and the section was too heavy, so the two sections were abandoned without the middle section of the sycamore tree. Judging from the present situation, this stone is probably one of the three sections of the sycamore tree.
This sycamore tree is really worthy of being one of the three Shenmu trees. It is still alive after a long time. The tree is as bright as stone, but it can also be clearly felt that this green color is disappearing. If it is not found by Liu Xuan today, it is likely that it will eventually run out of life and eventually become a stone.
See LiuXuan really found the said sycamore Wang Meng directly leng on the spot when Wu is silent, so treasure close at hand, the prince several times after the searcher didn’t find it. It seems that it is not a lie that this so-called spiritual thing chooses its master and stays.
Speaking of this piece of sycamore, it’s not really a treasure, it’s a spiritual material, but you have to know that this is a spiritual material that once made ten treasures of true immortals, even if it is lost today, it is estimated that making a multiplier will definitely not be a problem if it is in the hands of a master maker, and there is a good chance to become a magic weapon.
Liu Xuan is also a little stunned. Although he found it because of the gem of life, he didn’t report much hope. Now he really found him, but he doesn’t know what to do.
"Wu Laobo, how can you distribute this sycamore?"
I didn’t know that Wu Shi was a wave of his hand. "There is a saying that there is a treasure in heaven and earth and a virtue in it. This is your chance. I have searched all the friends of the prince, and none of them are willing to come to see you. You are a heavy-hearted and righteous person. If it weren’t for you, the phoenix tree would not see the light of day, and it would probably lose its aura with the years. This is your chance. The two of us just happened to meet this phoenix tree by chance. Put it away."
371, the prince queen
Wang Meng nature is also repeatedly motioning with his hand. He was originally punished by Liuxuan as an explanation, and he is a brother of conation order. He has no words to distribute things. This period of time, he also bears Liuxuan and Avril Lavigne. How can he rob Liuxuan?
When Liu Xuan saw that two people insisted on it, he couldn’t give up. He had already felt the phoenix tree, and it seemed that this phoenix tree was exactly what the longevity tree needed. So he planned to receive the longevity tree directly because his left hand was dusty, so he took the right hand to shoot it, but his right hand just held the life gem, and when it touched the phoenix tree, he felt a gravitational pull from it, and the vitality in the life gem in his hand seemed to be carved away, and the phoenix tree in front of him seemed to light up in an instant.